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Changes to Migrant Exploitation Work Visa

Exploitation of migrants have been a prime issue in New Zealand, this nurtured further when new work visa policies were introduced by Immigration New Zealand (INZ) in the form of Accredited Employer Work Visa [AEWV].

Immigration New Zealand always wants to promote New Zealand as a safe heaven, a top migrant destination for people who would like to build their future in New Zealand. Immigration Minister Erica Stanford promises to keep this promise with all migrants. In view to this a special type of work visa has been in a limelight since time immemorial, it is known as Migrant Exploitation Work Visa [MEPV].

A MEPV is granted when a migrant reports about their exploitation in their workplace, and once the investigations against such employers are confirmed the migrants are then granted 6 months open work visa. This visa allows them to have open work conditions and allows migrants to leave their exploitative situations quickly while maintaining their legal status in New Zealand.

Earlier, the migrant was eligible to apply for a second Migrant Exploitation Work visa while holding their 1st MEPV, however, Immigration New Zealand thinks that risks will not be eliminated in full if a second visa is granted. As the criteria is too broad with leaving migrants in a vulnerable position.

Accordingly, Immigration New Zealand (INZ) ensures that MEPV holders will continue to have open work visa rights for 6 months, however, applicants who wish to apply for MEPV will not be able to include employment terminations, redundancies, and in the event of company’s liquidation wages were not paid. INZ mentions that there are some exceptions where the employer failed to pay wages alongside other exploitative behaviors.

INZ also mentioned that from 31 October 2024, a person will not be entitled to apply for a second MEPV. INZ understands there are some MEPV holders whose visa is set to expire up to and including 30 November 2024, may apply for a second MEPV if they wish to do so.

Keep yourself safeguarded from such employers and ensure that you do not fell in a trap set by exploitative employers. Get in touch with Alrick Global Solution team, so we can assist you in navigating your journey.